Since 1997, CLMS has provided
quality services to the following commercial and Government clients:
The following project summaries
are representative of the scope of services provided to our clients:
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Office of Financial Management
Washington, DC
Contact:: Soraya Correa , Director
Financial Systems Modernization
Phone: (202) 514-0573
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Office of Financial
Management (OFM) established the Financial Management Re-engineering
Project (FMRP) to manage and report on progress made towards improving
and streamlining the INS financial operations. In order to effectively
manage the work efforts of the various government agencies and contractors
involved with the FMRP, FMRP management staff has initiated various
acquisitions to streamline and improve contract management and administration.
In March of 1999, INS contracted with CLMS to provide support in these
efforts. Currently, CLMS role is twofold to provide acquisition
management support and program management support.
As acquisition management
support, CLMS supports the FMRP Management organization in the development
of Inter Agency Agreements. The CLMS team assists the FMRP management
staff by reviewing, analyzing, and assessing progress made, providing
performance measurement data to determine the return on investment for
the work activities performed by the agencies.
Work efforts include, but
are not limited to:
- the development of task
- the review and assessment
of task order management plans
- the analysis and evaluation
of deliverables received
- the review and analysis
of invoices
- participation in, and
documentation of, various meetings and interchanges with Agency personnel
CLMS assists the FMRP management
staff in: developing the necessary acquisition plans and solicitations;
and evaluating plans for conducting the acquisition of Contractor services
under GSA BPAs. We assist FMRP management staff with the development,
implementation, and management of task orders for systems customization
and implementation efforts; we conduct research and provide analysis
of customer requirements and support resources, we assist in the development
and issuance of delivery or task orders, change orders, and contract
modifications; we provide analysis of Contractor performance and deliverables
to ensure full compliance with contract terms and conditions.
As program management support,
CLMS provide direct support and assistance to the Director, Financial
Systems Modernization in the development, implementation, and maintenance
of program/project plans, reports, briefings, and other documentation.
Presently, the FMRP management staff has developed and implemented several
tools to accomplish reporting. CLMS provides the resources necessary
to maintain those tools and modify them as necessary to ensure comprehensive,
consistent reporting capabilities are maintained on the FMRP. Examples
of the tools currently in use include:
- The MS Project Implementation
Plan, which includes a historical record of all changes to the plan
since its inception
- The MS ACCESS action item
tracking system which was designed to track and report on all action
items emanating from meetings and the FMRP implementation plan activities
- The FMRP Intranet site
which contains a repository of key project documents, contact lists
and the latest status of the project.
and Naturalization Service
Office of Information Resources Management
Washington, DC
Contact:: B. David Goldberg
Acting Associate Commissioner
Phone: (202) 514-2547
Over the past few years, the Congress has passed legislation designed
to clarify expectations about the investment of public funds in Information
Technology (IT) and to better define Federal agency roles and responsibilities
for the stewardship of its information resources.
One significant piece of
legislation is the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which requires Federal
agencies to focus more on the results achieved through IT investments
while streamlining the Federal IT procurement process. Specifically
this Act introduces much more rigor and structure into how agencies
approach the selection and management of IT projects and the execution
and tracking of budgets and IT management activities.
Among other things, the
head of each agency is required to implement a process for maximizing
the value and assessing and managing the risks of the agencys
IT acquisition. INS has performed an Organizational Assessment (OA)
of the Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM) along with
previous Inspector General (IG) and continuing General Accounting Office
(GAO) audits that call for a continuation of process improvements at
the INS and in particular within the OIRM in the IT capital planning
The INS is implementing these requirements through the use of the IT
Investment Review Board (IT-IRB), the Executive Steering Committee (ESC)
and a IT Portfolio Management Process. Along with reassessing and restructuring
the way OIRM operates. This includes budgeting and its execution, reporting
on and management of the INS IT portfolio. These activities are being
supported by the CLMS team.
CLMS is providing comprehensive IT investment management support services
to assist the IT-IRB, ESC, IT Portfolio Managers and OIRM in the management
and implementation of the IT investment management process. CLMS is
currently active in the development of requirements, policies, charters
and operational procedures for the IT-IRB and ESC. Members of the CLMS
team are also providing program management support and budget planning
and execution activities.
Services Administration, Federal Technology Services (FTS)
Information Technology Solutions (ITS)
Alexandria, Virginia
Contact: David Griffin, Project Manager
Information Technology Solutions (ITS)
Chief Technology Office
Phone: (619) 303-8932
Information Technology Solutions (ITS), Federal Technology Services,
General Services Administration provides information technology resources
to Federal agencies to promote use of the latest technology to deliver
services, and to provide for the efficient management, coordination
and operation, and use of such resources.
Over the years, ITS and its precursor organizations have developed
a variety of automated applications and tools to support related but
distinct business processes. These systems include the Tracking and
Ordering System (TOS), Integrated Task Order Management System (ITOMS),
Information Technology Solutions Shop (ITSS), On-Line Management Information
System (OMIS), and other small home-grown systems. As the result of
recent and ongoing organizational and business improvements, these
and other applications are now undergoing a process of consolidation
and standardization within the Oracle database environment.
To maintain its competitive posture and exercise leadership in the
efficient and effective use of its information technology, ITS has
successfully completed an initiative to eliminate the stovepipe ITSS
and ITOMS databases, on the CLMS developed Common Oracle Database (CODB). With
the CODB, ITS has improved and standardized certain core business functions
to a Oracle 8i open systems environment (OSE).
CLMS support to the ITS includes data standardization, developing
data conversion and cleansing routines, data migration, developing
application and system interfaces, and database maintenance in a production
CLMS leads the CODB effort for ITS regional applications and has performed
activities such as mapping and matching, modeling, and data conversion.
CLMS also serves as the Database Administrator (DBA) for Common Oracle
Database and a resource for applications for writing procedures and